Desura nightmare house 2
Desura nightmare house 2

desura nightmare house 2
  1. #Desura nightmare house 2 how to
  2. #Desura nightmare house 2 manual
  3. #Desura nightmare house 2 software

From DCS: A-10C Flight Manual : The Fighter Collection / Eagle Dynamics has been developing a high-fidelity Desk Top Simulation (DTS) of the A-10C for the U.S.

#Desura nightmare house 2 software

But they also make software like The Battle Simulator ( and the video below) and a A-10C Simulator for the US Air National Guard who was now released to the public as DCS A-10C Warthog. The Figher Collection: The Fighter Collection operates, rebuilds and maintains Europe's largest collection of airworthy WWII aircraft and is based at Duxford Airfield, UK. One of there first games was Su-27 Flanker and it looks like they developed all there flight sims with the fighter collection. Eagle Dynamics: Eagle Dynamics is a software company from Moscow that made flight sim games like Lock On and the DCS Series. I saw this interview and I thought I need to do some research. If you count the horizontal and vertical squares from A8 kp1 to F11 kp8, you will get 16 horizontal and 7 vertical squares, which means: horizontal distance: 16 x 50m = 800m vertical distance: 7 x 50m = 350m Diagonal distance = c = ?(horizontal²+vertical²) = ?(800² + 350²) = 873m the next step is to get your angle which is a bit more coplicated and requires a calculator and trigonometry the formula, we are looking for is tan(?) = vertical distance / horizontal distance, which means: ?= tan-1(vertical distance / horizontal distance) = tan-1 (350m / 800m) = tan-1 (0.4375) =23.6° now, we just need to add 90°, because 0° on our compas is north and not east: =>90° + 23.6° = 113.6° have fun shooting! !huh The first thing you need to know is your distance, which can be calculated with the grids and the easy-to-use pythagoras-theorem (a²+b²=c² ) 1 big square is 150m x150 on this map (see botom left corner), which means a small square is 50m x 50m. Let's use the muttrah city 2 map as an example: Let's say you set up your mortar at the roundabout in A8 kp1 and want to fire on the crossroad in F11 kp8. (and a calculator is also handy !yes ) First, you need the position of your mortar and the position of the target on the map.

desura nightmare house 2

#Desura nightmare house 2 how to

How to fire a mortar in PR witout marker/distance: Yes, you are able to fire a mortar in project reality without using any markers and distances from your squad leader and still hit the bullseye but it takes a while. Awesome thread, i love artilery but there usually a lot of calculation going on when firing a mortar.

Desura nightmare house 2